Growth Hormone Deficiency
Journal Scan

Did pandemic-associated lockdowns increase adherence to therapy for GHD?

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One survey conducted during the lockdown period in Italy found that children with GHD had increased regularity in hormonal administration, due in part to an increased amount of time spent indoors.

Self-reported adherence to therapy, as well as height and growth velocity during treatment, were recorded from 30 children between 7 and 18 years of age.

All patients reported high adherence during lockdown, which matched the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale scores. Researchers confirmed that patients experienced improvements in height standard deviations, which they suggested could “be related to the good adherence to growth hormone therapy during lockdown.”

Sodero G, Talloa D, Cipolla C. GH Therapy in children and adolescents with Growth Hormone Deficiency during the first phase of COVID-19 lockdown: a survey in an Italian center. Minerva Pediatr (Torino). 2022;doi: 10.23736/S2724-5276.21.06645-3. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35084149.
